We would like to be informed about unlawful behaviour in our company in order to clarify and eliminate such behavior. Therefore, we encourage everyone - no matter whether employee, former colleague, customer, supplier or third party - to inform us about legal violations. Any person is entitled to give instructions. In particular, it is irrelevant whether you are an employee, business partner or a third party.
The submission of clues is not bound to specific forms. In particular, you can be informed in person, by telephone, by telephone, fax or via e-mail.
Contact Compliance Department
Telephone: 03671 57 21 110
E-Mail: compliance@rsp-germany.com
Postal address:
RSP GmbH & Co. KG
Compliance Abteilung
Zum Silberstollen 10
D-07318 Saalfeld
Use our online registration form for your hints.
You can track the status of your message here.
Of course you can also give your notes anonymously. We ask you to describe the case in detail and complete. If possible, you can submit documents, photos or videos that support your suspicions to us. We will follow up the clues immediately. Please mark your mail with
The system for employees who have notes is exclusively for the receipt and processing of reports on actual or alleged violations of laws, directives or the Code of Conduct as well as other company-internal guidelines. In particular, it is not available for general complaints or for product and warranty inquiries. It is only intended to provide evidence in which the the person who has notes has a good faith belief that the facts s/he has provided are accurate. She/He is not in good faith when he is aware that a reported fact is untrue. In case of doubts, corresponding facts should not be presented as a fact, but as a presumption, rating or statement of other persons. It should be noted that a person who has notes may be liable to prosecution if, contrary to better knowledge, he claims untrue facts about other persons.
All notes, including references to the whistle-blower, are processed confidentially and in accordance with applicable laws.
All statements, regardless of their veracity, are likely to damage the reputation of those affected, the the persons who have notes and / or third parties and the company to the maximum extent. Therefore, they are treated as particularly confidential by us beyond the obligations arising from data protection laws.
Please read the rules carefully. If you have any questions, please contact the Compliance Officer. He will be glad to help you.